Do you know that many indoor games are healthy for the mind as well as a great way to spend your time? These include jigsaw puzzles that are simply pieces of cardboard having a picture printed on them and cut into different shapes and sizes that you have to join together to form the complete picture. These sorts of games help in improving the mental capability as well as the skills of any human being. They are healthy to play for all age groups, for the kids as well as grown up people. When they feel tired after a busy day, to refresh their minds, they should do some recreational activity.

You may be surprised to know but in the real life, games such as jigsaw exist. Labors and construction workers play it every day. It is another thing that they have to play it at the toughest level and out of doors in the burning sun, so they don’t consider it as a game and it is not like a game for them. But if we see the process of construction from another angle, then it would seem like playing a jigsaw puzzle. But there is no chance of considering your decision again or trying multiple time or where to place each single piece. Instead of the wooden or cardboard pieces, they play it with bricks, either made up of clay or cement and they try to put them at the right places to complete the picture beautifully.
We are taking this game to a next level; you can play it with bricks at your own home. Himalayan bricks are made up of pure Himalayan salt. This is the very salt that is full of all different health benefits. You can make up your own Himalayan salt room by using these salt bricks. You can make your own room of your choice by joining these bricks together.
This salt room is the perfect therapy that is healthy for both your body and your mind. The salt bricks are a pure source of energy. Small led lights are fitted in them and they radiate light filtered through the salt that proves healthy to the eyes. This is color therapy, different colors of salt giving different benefits to the human body and human emotions.
Apart from these, many different minerals are present in salt. These help in treating many infectious diseases including asthma, sinus ingestion, bronchitis etc. Apart from this, salt therapy is also healthy for skin and other respiratory track diseases and viruses such as cough and flu.
These salt bricks are offered in a spectrum of colors ranging from light colors such as white and going all the way to deep red. So, the wall made by these bricks is full of natural colors and you feel like you are going deep into the earth to visit a salt mine. You can carry the beauty of a salt mine into your own house. This would be a very pleasant thing to see in the morning and will implant creative thoughts into the mind.
You can use your own creativity to design your own salt wall by these salt bricks. And after that, you can yourself make up a salt room by using four of such walls. The size and color of the wall is on your choice. You can become the one to get the big benefits of Himalayan salt by having these bricks around you.
How can we get it??