Modern-day Himalayan pink salt products came into being after going through a complete evolutionary journey, which transformed them from basic to miraculous. The perfect shape, amazing dimensions, and mind-blowing style that the modern-day Himalayan salt products have is just because of the whole evolutionary process.
It all started many centuries back when people discovered the wonders of Himalayan pink salt in different ways. There are many tales from past centuries that clearly give the indication that Himalayan salt was found by accident and then preserved by the healers and doctors of those times. After the healers/doctors also proved that Himalayan salt actually fights off allergies, purifies the air, and makes the surroundings soothing, then people started sitting in Himalayan salt caves for real.
As the years passed by, people transformed the concept of sitting in the salt caves to relaxing in proper salt spa resorts. The first-ever salt resort was made in Poland through Himalayan Salt Bricks. So, Himalayan pink salt bricks are among the very first Himalayan salt products that were ever made. They were first molded in basic shapes however; later on, they turned into many geometrical shapes with interesting dimensions.

However, it was later seen that Himalayan Salt Tiles / bricks were only used for various construction purposes but with the major issue that they were very expensive and unaffordable. This problem led the experts to make other Himalayan salt products that are affordable and handy. First-ever Himalayan salt products were very simple but then they got transformed with time.
Now, there are hundreds of various handy Himalayan salt products which have been taking major hype for the last many decades. The Himalayan salt products include types of Himalayan salt lamps, Himalayan salt artifacts, Himalayan salt tables, Himalayan salt frames, Himalayan salt cooking slabs, Himalayan salt decoration pieces, Himalayan salt spa bars, Himalayan glue, and others.
Head over to Pink Salt Wall and have a great salt shopping