One of the best-selling low cost Himalayan Pink Salt products is the Salt LED Frame called Salt Fingo. The Salt Fingo has comprised of three salt rectangular blocks joined together with a metallic frame. The frame acts as a decorative ornament as well as gives the salt blocks ultimate support. Salt Fingo has a proper setting of hidden LED lights which give it mesmerizing illuminating effect.

Moreover, it is designed in a way that it can be hanged on the walls of houses, offices, hotels and etc. It can also be placed with the support of a wall or anything. Its size is very reasonable and it looks beautiful as well because of the natural pink color of the Himalayan salt blocks.
There are a lot of health benefits of Salt Fingo but the most amazing benefit is the fact that it makes the atmosphere bacteria free by emitting certain ions in the atmosphere. It also cleans the air and gives a soothing effect.
Other low-cost salt products are two Salt Artifacts called Salt Vigor and Salt Ducky. Salt Vigor is a cross shaped artifact that looks amazing because of its small size, beautifully textured color scheme, and defined shape. It gives an ultimate spiritual vibe and can be used as a pendant as well. Salt Ducky is a heart-shaped artifact and it is considered as a perfect present. They are sustainable and are absolutely healthy to be around.
Salt candles and Salt Candle Holders are also very low-cot yet absolutely amazing Himalayan salt products. The candles along with the stands look great aesthetically and they are very healthy to be around because of the above mentioned ions emition process.
Buy Salt Fingo, Salt Artifacts, Salt candles, and other low cost salt products and have a great affordable healthy life.