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Himalayan Pink Salt Contains More Minerals - Myth or Fact?


Himalayan pink salt has taken over the world as of late for its countless health benefits which are proved by historical experiences and modern-day experiments. However, it’s still confusing how Himalayan pink salt is healthier than the table salt. The answer is quite simple that the pink salt contains more minerals and trace elements as compared to the table salt.

The natural pink color that the Himalayan salt products like Salt Tiles show are also because of the abundance of the minerals. The major portion of table salt contains Sodium Chloride and a few other minerals. However, the pink salt contains Sodium Chloride along with 84 other minerals which make it healthier than the former. The other minerals in the pink salt included Potassium, Calcium, Strontium, and Molybdenum.

If we compare the number of minerals in both the salts then the comparison would go as follows.

· Himalayan salt contains 2.8 mg of Potassium - Table salt contains 0.9 mg of Potassium

· Himalayan salt contains 1.6 mg of Calcium - Table salt contains 0.4 mg of Calcium

· Himalayan salt contains 1.06 mg of Mg - Table salt contains 0.0139 mg of Mg

· Himalayan salt contains 0.0369 mg of Iron - Table salt contains 0.0101 mg of Iron

· Himalayan salt contains 368 mg of Sodium - Table salt contains 381 mg of Sodium

Himalayan salt products ranging from Himalayan Salt Bricks to salt lamps and salt artifacts are made exclusively in order to preserve the above-mentioned minerals. For the very same reason the products are considered as full of health benefits.

Head over to Pink Salt Wall’s official website and have a great Salt Shopping!



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