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Effective Historical Background of Speleotherapy


Updated: Nov 26, 2020

We are living in an era where people have started moving towards natural methods to treat their medical issues. Likewise, Speleotherapy is also known as Salt Room Therapy is getting famous for treating respiratory, skin, and anxiety issues.

Speleotherapy is a specialized treatment that is being done in a Himalayan salt-induced space called Speleotherapy cabin, which is made by the perfect alignment of salt bricks. Himalayan salt is proved to have healing powers and that's exactly why it is used to cure the above mentioned medical issues in the Speleotherapy cabin. The concept of Speleotherapy goes back to many centuries back when people discovered it by mistake.

There are a few historical tales that suggest the fact that Speleotherapy is not a modern but modern classic way of treatment. Back in 326 BC, some soldiers took refuge in the Himalayan salt caves along with their wounded horses. As horses are famous for licking the salt so they did the same. That's when those salt caverns (now in Pakistan) were discovered. That discovery gave birth to a lot of new concepts and Speleotherapy is one of them. As the horses got healed within a matter of days and the soldiers felt very serene in the caves. The soldiers shared it with the healers of that time and that's when the healing powers of Himalayan salt were discovered. Later on, people started spending time in the salt caves.

One of the major events is from World War 2 when German doctors found out the clear difference in the health of those, who took immediate refuge in salt caves. The normal people of that time got suffered from various skin and respiratory diseases because of the worst war conditions. However, the people in the salt caves were saved from those diseases. Another event was followed by it when Polish healers found out the fact that the mineworkers, who used to work in salt mines, were not suffered from any respiratory diseases, unlike other people. These events turned into great historical events because they helped in finding a natural way of treating respiratory and skin diseases. Not only this, the doctors, later on, found out that Himalayan salt is a curing salt and it can also help in soothing the mind.

However, as modern times came they demanded modern means in everything. Likewise, people got busy and stopped spending time in the caverns but that didn't stop the concept of Speleotherapy to revolutionize. As more historical events added up and experts started thinking about making the substitutes for salt caverns in the city. The first-ever modern Speleotherapy cabin was made in Poland many years back. It was made by using the Himalayan pink salt bricks. However, now in this decade, Speleotherapy cabins are built almost all over the world for their unique ways of treatment.


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