The summers are here and the blazing sun puts everything on fire. In the scorching hot days, it seems as if the walls are made of fire and the floor is composed of flames. Everything one touches is so hot and unwelcoming. People imagine, is there anything they can change about this harsh condition? They turn on fans and coolers and air conditioners to cool down their atmosphere. But the real heat is coming out of the brick walls and the cemented floors. They think that they can do nothing about that, therefore they keep on adding up such electronic equipment which throws winds of cool air around their room to keep them cool and able to tolerate the hot summers.
But today, I will tell you about a new kind of bricks that can change the above mentioned painful scenario. Now imagine for a second that you are living in a room that is cooler than the other rooms and you look up to the walls and notice that there are no air conditioner throwing gushes of cold winds towards you. But still, the room is cool and it makes you fresh. How is this so? In a wink of an eye, you will see that the walls are made from a different kind of bricks, bricks that are pretty and colorful. These are not ordinary clay bricks. Then what are they?
These bricks are actually the Himalayan rock salt bricks, the bricks made from 100% pure Himalayan rock salt. Extracted from the Himalayan mountain range, this salt is named after them. It is also called pink salt due to its pinkish color, and due to the presence of some certain extra minerals in it. These brick are actually blocks of rock salt cut into shapes and size of bricks. They are colorful because the salt from which they are made has many colors in it, so these bricks just display all those colors present in pink salt. In order to make them prettier, lights are fitted in them. When you turn on the lights, these bricks start to glow and therefore the whole wall is illuminated with some beautiful colorful lights, appearing like salt lamps.
These bricks have many uses. The first and the biggest use are in the making of the salt wall. As these are bricks, when they are assembled together in a specific manner, they form a wall of salt. Due to the unique properties of Himalayan rock salt, these walls are cool even in the hot summer days. So, if you have salt walls around you, then they would make your environment cool and refreshing despite the scorching heat and the blazing sun. These walls are colorful and a very artistic thing to make in your room. Apart from the salt walls, there are also other uses of salt bricks. These bricks can make salt frames, which are a smaller form of a salt wall. You cannot carry a sat wall everywhere in your house, but a salt frame can be carried anywhere. It is portable and easy to afford. It retains all the unique and beneficial properties of salt bricks and Himalayan rock salt. A salt fingo is such a salt frame that is composed of three salt bricks. Therefore, you can have it easily and find space for it conveniently. A salt table is also made from salt bricks.
Another big thing made from salt bricks is The Salt Room. It is a place enclosed in salt walls, which gives health to humans and helps to carry out salt therapy. Asthma patients are treated in salt rooms and if you stay in a salt room for some time, then it would improve your immune system in addition to curing some skin problems and other seasonal viruses such as cough and flu.
You do not have to travel a long distance to find a salt room, you can easily make one at home. Go get as many salt bricks as you desire and design your own salt room of your desired shape and size.