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Benefits of Halotherapy Salt Room


Salt therapy or halotherapy has taken wellness to another level. How is it done, is an interesting question. I hope that you will have a better understanding of how it works in this article. Well, halotherapy is a very ancient concept about healing and treating respiratory diseases through salt by inhaling it. Not any other ordinary salt but Himalayan salt, in particular, has been used for halotherapy due to its miraculous properties and countless benefits in terms of wellness and health. Even though halotherapy is an old concept, yet it has, and still is gaining popularity among people. Many spas and halotherapy salt rooms like clinics are being built around the world where people can go and get treatment for different problems.

Salt room benefits, or to be precise, halotherapy benefits are wide-ranging. Concentration and level of salt affect the activity of cells, blood sugar, and energy level in the human body. It is a very basic concept of biology. According to research, it has been shown that pink salt acts as a natural disinfectant owing to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. How it treats respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis is by loosening the mucus build up and phlegm. Dry salt air is even more strong and powerful than moist air. As soon as you inhale the dry Himalayan salt, it travels through your sinuses and respiratory system absorbing moisture, and cleanse the mucus or phlegm on its way and kills bacteria as well.

It is a fact that spending time in a pink salt room is very much similar to spending time on the beach and absorbing the air of the salty sea. People usually are not familiar with this fact that spending time on a beach is actually much more beneficial than just recreation and relaxation due to salty sea air. And it is proven that salt room offers more benefits and is much more effective than beach air because of 10-15 times the extra concentration of minerals in Himalayan salt. If you spend around 45 to 60 minutes in a salt room, this therapy equals spending three days on a beach.

Halotherapy is treating not only respiratory disorders, but it is also effective in healing and treating many other health problems. Skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, acne, and rashes can be significantly improved by spending time in the salt room. The normal table salt is dehydrating, on contrary to it, Himalayan salt has moisturizing properties due to the presence of 84 mineral elements. That is the reason behind its healing properties.

Other health and wellness problems that can be cured and improved by halotherapy include headaches, bad sleep patterns, stress and lack of energy. In addition to these, salt rooms also have a calming and detoxifying effect on your nervous system and also support the lymphatic system. Keep in mind, that halotherapy is paired with any medication you are taking to cure the problems that you are suffering from. Before trying the halotherapy you must consult your doctor.


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